Thursday, April 08, 2010

Those in charge on Feb 09 NOT in charge:

NEWS Emergenecy services not ready - Christine Nixon thinks she can leave the building ! ( Revelation at Royal commission this week). Noone who has ever worked a bushfire would accept it for the person in her position ! SHE'S OUTA THERE WHEN SHE CAN'T LEAVE TILL THOSE AT RISK ARE OUTA THERE .

For another revelation - (yet,  to come we trust) ( A word that should have been in pace for last fire season but wasn't !!) The word Evacuation has been banned-- time the embargo was lifted and those hiding behind their incompetence named ;
This needs to be said juts in case the commission haven't the courage to say so - the word should never ever have been banned and all the other confusing messages should have been .The only place to be when a very high fire risk is on is,    outa there ---and who would supervise that ?

Now 14 months since the greatest natural disaster in Australasia history and Brumbys search for th whole truth and nothing but the nice truth ( errors of judgement ) continues - pity about the bad modeling thats rife in his entourage.
Even The interim recommendations didn't include evacuation as an option and the word appears to have been banned . The emergency services are liable because the only place to be when a very high fire risk is on is outa there . yOU HEARd IT FIRST ON fORESTANDFIRE

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